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The Vatican

Everywhere we went in the Vatican, we were looking up.  The ceilings were guilded and golden, painted and adorned, spectacular and  honoring God.

No Pictures here.

The Vatican was the most crowded venue we encountered.  Our guides said it wasn't near as crowded as it could have been!

Attempting to be artistic, Mary took this picture of the reflection of Saint Peter's Dome in  an open window of one of the Vatican galleries. Things are much more relaxed in Italy.

Beautiful grounds of the Vatican

Saint Peter's

A Note from Mary:


As the trip grew near, I decided I should read something about Italy.  I spent a few minutes in the Oshkosh Public Library and that little effort yielded a very interesting title: Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling.


I found this book to be full of information about Michelangelo and the politics of his time.  But, it was  the process for creating a fresco that really amazed me. SIlly me thought that Michelangelo just applied paint to the ceiling.   The colors for a fresco are applied only to wet plaster and then must dry.  What a long process! How wrong I was!


Anyway, after that read, I was prepared to be WOWed by the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  And I was - it is beautiful - fantastic even.  But nothing prepares you for the scope of Saint Peter's Basilica.  The word "huge" does not come close to describing the size, and all the decorations are on the same scale.  The statues, the columns, the adornment--all colossal. 



Darrell, John and I climbed the dome while Lisa continued exploring St. Peter's. It was a work out, but not to daunting.  (after all we had routinely logged more than 6 miles a day on this trip).  The view from the top was stunning. It was a beautiful sunny day.  During your climb you are on the balcony, close to the exquisite mosaics that cover the dome interior.

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